Wednesday 29 June 2011

Traditional Kueh Bakar

"The third recipe is courtesy of my mom who is a very good cook before a stroke rendered her unable to cook. Now she gives directions to her maid but they say that the feeling isn’t there. Don’t laugh when someone says that you need to cook with love. This is a very traditional recipe. The taste is fantastic and it can last for a month. Those who are afraid of fat and cholesterol, stay clear of this cake."


1 ½ cup sugar
1 cup eggs
1 cup flour
1 cup Coconut Cream
1 Pandanus leaf
1 tbsp ghee

 To blend
1 cm cinnamon
1 clove
1 star anise
1 tbsp cumin
½ tbsp white cumin seeds

1.   Heat the santan and pandan leaf for 5 mins.
2.  Beat the eggs and sugar until the sugar dissolves.
3.  Put in the flour and blend with the spices and the ghee.
4.  Leave it for at least 2 hours before baking it in a flower shape container for an hour or until cake is done by inserting a tooth pick in the center in a 220 degree Celsius heat.

1. In the old days, mom used to cook in the embers of firewood.  The top lid of the container would also be filled with embers.


  1. i would like to request the resepi of your famous nasi kerabu & ayam percik. tq

  2. I'll Post it In the Near Future, Thank You...
